Polyvagal Theory Informed Therapy

What is Polyvagal Theory?

Polyvagal Theory, originally developed by Stephen Porges, PhD and widely taught by Deb Dana, offers a neurophysiological framework to consider the reasons why people act in the ways they do. Through a Polyvagal lens, we understand that actions are automatic and adaptive, generated by the autonomic nervous system well below the level of conscious awareness. This is not the brain making a cognitive choice, these are autonomic energies moving in patterns of protection. And with this new awareness, the door opens to compassion (from Deb Dana and The Rhythm of Regulation).

Using Polyvagal Theory, I help clients understand their nervous system, which can be useful in understanding why our relationships are the way they are, why we react to different situations the way we do, and ultimately, how we can use this wisdom to guide our nervous systems into states of safety.